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Recent @jimrome X Broadcasts

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Chris Fowler 01/03/06
Mike Tice fired 45 minutes after gam 01/03/06
OJ estranged from USC 01/03/06
Dick Clark & AJ Hawk 01/03/06
AJ Hawk nails Two Quinns 01/03/06
Grabastic emails 01/03/06
Mo Clarrett beer truck-milk truck 01/03/06
Miami Hurricane email 01/03/06
Paul in Delaware gets run for telling Rome he made love to his wife in a port-a-potty 01/03/06
Clone Civil War 01/04/06
US Skeleton coach suspended for sex 01/04/06
Empty Control Tower reset 01/04/06
Jay in Providence 01/04/06
Rachel in Houston 01/05/06
Fred Smoot isses curfew 01/05/06
Science proves soccer is most exciting sport 01/05/06
Oklahoma judge whacks off 01/05/06
Rose bowl recap 01/05/06
Justin in Boise-Idiot Kicker 01/05/06
Opie in Detroit - Im going to hang up and drop a deuce 01/05/06
Kiefer Sutherland attacks a Christmas tree 01/06/06
Kiefer Sutherland Tree emails 01/06/06
Joe in the OC gets run for happy ending blast 01/06/06
Jeff in Phoenix gets run 01/06/06
Otis in Austin 01/06/06
Josh in the Nati-Dirty Lincoln 01/06/06
Bruce Weber 01/09/06
Amputee gets back her stolen leg 01/09/06
Jeff in Chapel Hill 01/09/06
Levitra Dropped by NFL 01/10/06
MLB down with crank ads 01/10/06
NFL Pulls sponsorship with Levitra 01/10/06
Bill in Knoxville 01/10/06
Jim in Portland-exploding in the endzone 01/10/06
Steve Elkington 01/11/06
Steve Elkington reaction 1 01/11/06
Steve Elkington reaction 2 01/11/06
Dustin in Tulsa goes back to back 01/11/06
Tom in Indy-Dyslexic spaniard 01/11/06
Pi emails 01/12/06
Rachel in Houston 01/12/06
Doug in Fullerton on "Ray" in Houston 01/13/06
Mike in the Nati-Asian Snake Kisser Blast 01/13/06
Michelle Wie shoots 79 at Sony Open 01/13/06
Fullerton Callers on the screen 01/13/06
Rome thanks Stew for Hot Dog Cooker 01/13/06
Carson Palmer Doctor is a flip flopper 01/13/06
South Korean fencer kicked off team for facelift 01/13/06
Fencing emails 01/13/06
Jay Stew liquors reset (Dustin in Tulsa) 01/13/06
Jay Stew Wall of shame (Dustin in Tulsa) 01/13/06
Bill in Knoxville 01/17/06
Brian from 590 clears up Omaha fiasco 01/17/06
Minnesota college kids want to hear Mr Automatic 01/17/06
Greg in Vegas 01/17/06
Billy Martins car and JFK plane 01/17/06
Brad Lohaus busted for theft 01/17/06
Rubix cube world record 01/17/06
Shaq and Kobe make up 01/17/06
Peyton Manning idiot kicker reset 01/17/06
Simon the portable game 01/17/06
Carl Lewis reset 01/17/06
Rubix cube emails 01/17/06
Jay Stew-Hero or loser (Brian in Bugaha) 01/17/06
Rumplestiltskin in Houston 01/17/06
Keith in Singapore 01/18/06
Bob Costas 01/18/06
Radio or TV 01/18/06
Old School resets 01/18/06
Steeler fan has heart attack after Bettis fumble 01/18/06
Antonio Davis goes into the stands 01/19/06
NFL ref has house vandalized 01/19/06
Antonio Davis-Show open thoughts 01/19/06
Jay from Okinawa 01/20/06
Doug in Fullerton with 4 letter bomb 01/20/06
Crazy Tennis Dad 01/20/06
Chris Chelios-USA v Canada emails 01/20/06
Michael Jackson theme park 01/23/06
MLBPA wants to eliminate accidental roid tests 01/23/06
Air Conditioner caller fools Rome 01/23/06
Huge Call-Matt in Denver 01/23/06
Paul Allen chicklets 01/23/06
Cable and Gas Guy 01/24/06
Eric Wynalda reset 01/24/06
Disobedient Ones 01/24/06
Thermostat problem 01/24/06
Soccer player gives faschist salute 01/24/06
Tom Penders heart attack technical 01/24/06
The laugh reset 01/24/06
War Liquor fueled lesbian 01/24/06
Governors super bowl bet 01/25/06
Super Bowl Prop Bets 01/25/06
Lebron has laser pointer in his face 01/26/06
Ron Mexico takes up for his brother 01/26/06
Oren in Denver-Huge Call 01/26/06
Jeff in Columbus and detroit emails 01/26/06
Larry in Detroit-Rome on video solitaire 01/26/06
Johnie Cochran middle school 01/27/06
Justin in Boise-Brokeback Mountain 01/27/06
Johnny Cochran emails 01/27/06
KC Royals email 01/27/06
A&M mad at Seattle for 12th man 01/30/06
Barry Sanders 01/31/06
Irie Craig shoutouts the Stones 02/01/06
Jim Mora Sr 02/01/06
Skip Bayless 02/01/06
Jay Mohr 02/02/06
Mike Utley 02/02/06
National Anthem emails 02/06/06
Jeff Gordon on Wrigley stadium 02/07/06
RJ in Fullerton 02/07/06
Pittsburgh SB riots 02/07/06
Rick Tocchett busted in gambling ring 02/07/06
Shortest segment ever 02/07/06
Soccer fan Inflatable cranks 02/07/06
Orenthal-Mike Holmgren 02/07/06
Phil Jackson and Mark Cuban 02/08/06
Dan from Crapchester-Bugaha blast 02/08/06
Stucknut email-John in Pueblo 02/08/06
Colts have 8 guys in pro bowl 02/09/06
Pebble Beach Pro Am 02/10/06
Raiders still looking for a coach 02/10/06
Matt in Denver-Huge Call 02/10/06
Terence in Sierra Madre 02/10/06
John Feinstein Part 1 02/10/06
John Feinstein Part 2 02/10/06
John Feinstein Part 3 02/10/06
Mike Piazza 02/10/06
Dick Cheney hunting accident 02/13/06
Rickey Henderson back with Mets 02/13/06
Quinn Snyder-Dave in Saint Louis 02/13/06
John Daly 02/13/06
Steve Elkington Part 1 02/14/06
Steve Elkington Part 2 02/14/06
Steve Elkington Part 3 02/14/06
Steve Elkington Part 4 02/14/06
Steve Elkington reaction 02/14/06
Bode Miller (show open) 02/17/06
Albert Belle tracking device 02/17/06
Jets players crack Pennington 02/17/06
Snowboarder hot dogs and falls 02/17/06
Stanford Tree Drunk 02/17/06
Olympic Dissapointments 02/17/06
Johnny Weir meltsdown 02/17/06
Joey in New Bedford 02/17/06
Eddie Sutton-Stanford Tree 02/17/06
Liza Minelli-Damion in So Cal 02/17/06
Lindsay Jacobellus Visa Check card 02/17/06
Oren in Denver gets run-Joey in New Bedford blast 02/21/06
Oren in Denver-Jeff in Richmond blast 02/24/06
Jerry Springer walks into Travis office 02/27/06
Iggy in Springfield taped call reset 02/28/06
Munchkin at Astro camp 02/28/06
Soccer player traded for meat 02/28/06
Substitute teacher sex change 02/28/06
Roger Clemens calls 02/28/06
Roger Clemens emails 02/28/06
Chris in Toronto email 03/01/06
Jim Johnson-Jim McElwain coach 03/01/06
McElwain reaction-part 5 03/01/06
McElwain reaction-part 4 03/01/06
McElwain reaction-part 2 03/01/06
McElwain reaction-part 3 03/01/06
McElwain reaction-part 6 03/01/06
McElwain reaction 03/01/06
Airline reset 03/02/06
Andrei Kirileno "allowance" 03/02/06
Barry Bonds goes Paula Abdul 03/02/06
Jason McElwains mom 03/02/06
Raider Mike 03/03/06
Dean in Hunington Beach 03/03/06
Don in No Cal interupts Milk in the D 03/03/06
Jay Stew acting retrospective 03/03/06
This Guy Tiger 03/03/06
Joe in the OC-Naval Semen 03/03/06
Jay stew ratings bump 03/03/06
Warren Bell-According to Jim 03/03/06
Chris in Toronto-Tim Couch email 03/06/06
Eddie Sutton booze email 03/06/06
Mike in San Diego - Huge call of the day - March 06, 2006 03/06/06
Mexico North-Rome cannot hear the callers 03/07/06
Roy Williams 03/08/06
Fay Vincent 03/08/06
Jim Boeheim F bomb 03/09/06
Space Station Golf 03/09/06
USA-Canada reset 03/09/06
USA-Canada segment 2 03/09/06
Jason Stewart "J-Stew" - According to Jim outtakes 03/10/06
Dog Hunters-romes cat 03/13/06
Hammer taking up for Bonds 03/13/06
Laugh & GIMME BACK MY SON 03/13/06
NCAA bracket breakdown 03/13/06
NCAA flu pandemic 03/13/06
Andruw Jones falls down the steps 03/14/06
Carolina Panther CHeerleader Probation 03/14/06
NIT Brackets announced 03/14/06
Monmouth wins play in game 03/15/06
WBC emails and Jay Stew reset 03/15/06
Classic Soundbytes Part 2 03/16/06
Classic Soundbytes Part 1 03/16/06
Calabassas bans smoking 03/17/06
Greg Owen meltdown 03/20/06
Ichiro wants clean dugouts 03/20/06
Juan Gonzalez 1996 email 03/20/06
T.O.-Clean Dugouts 03/20/06
US Navy ships overcome by pirates 03/20/06
Bill Clinton NFL Commissioner 03/21/06
Huge Bass Caught in California 03/21/06
Joe Namath-I want to kiss you 03/21/06
Carlos Boozer suing Prince 03/22/06
Jay Stew reaction 03/22/06
Juan Gone-Adam Viniteri to colts 03/22/06
Soccer Jail 03/22/06
Duante Culpepper denies sex acts 03/23/06
Jason Giabmi on roids due to dad 03/23/06
Barry Manilow new Vegas Deal 03/27/06
Players Champ recap 03/27/06
Saints players sleeping in front of market 03/27/06
Show open-GMU and UCLA in final 4 03/27/06
Jalen Rose 03/27/06
Dhani Jones arrested for dancing 03/28/06
Jose Lima on bubble with Mets 03/28/06
JRs visit to doctor 03/28/06
Oakland forgets bats for games 03/28/06
Show open 03/28/06
Kerry Wood and Mark Prior on DL 03/29/06
Leo Mazzone tattoo 03/29/06
LT good father reset 03/29/06
Randy Johnson love child 03/29/06
Kelvin Sampson and R Johnson 03/29/06
Tommy Zbikowski 03/29/06
Dear Ron Just Relax 03/29/06
Circus Animals-Phillies cockfighting DVD 03/30/06
Nascar Meat 03/30/06
NBA to hold tryouts in Vegas 03/30/06
Show Open-NCAA title game preview 04/03/06
Brett Favre comments 04/03/06
Herb Sendek new coach at ASU 04/03/06
Phil Mickelson rolls in Georgia 04/03/06
Billy Packer 04/04/06
Florida wins National title 04/04/06
George Bush calls Todd Walker Tom 04/04/06
Smackoff announcement 04/04/06
Adrian Moss-Florida 04/05/06
Holly Hornbeak suing Hank Williams 04/05/06
Mel in Boca Raton repeats his name 04/05/06
Rockies retiring numbers 04/05/06
Annika Sorenstam and Dakota Dowd 04/06/06
David Duval +13 thru 14 04/06/06
Kelvin Sampson 04/06/06
Mark Grace 04/06/06
YMCA played for Brian Fuentes 04/06/06
Gary in Vegas calls his shot 04/06/06
David Ferehty 04/07/06
Rome hates Starbucks 04/07/06
Pedro dots Jose Guillen twice 04/07/06
Cal Ripken Jr 04/10/06
Brad Wilkerson golden sombrero 04/10/06
Masters recap 04/10/06
Dick Cheney throws out 1st pitch 04/11/06
1000 dollar mint julip 04/12/06
Jerome Bettis Bowling HOF 04/12/06
Els says Mickelson is man to beat at Augusta 04/13/06
Greg Maddux wins 320 04/13/06
Soccer Racism 04/13/06
Casey Fossum throws 47 mph curve 04/14/06
Oren in Denver 04/14/06
Bill Clinton email (Joe in Bugaha) 04/14/06
Rangers pitcher back to back to back 04/17/06
1-0 game in Coors Field 04/17/06
Gary in Vegas reset 04/17/06
Minor league cash drop gone bad 04/17/06
Orioles Base Running snafu 04/17/06
Victoria in LA supports Rachael 04/17/06
Jim mora and larry robinson emails 04/18/06
Minor League Love boat night 04/18/06
Dan in Tampa plus reaction 04/18/06
Ken Griffey on the DL 04/18/06
Tony LaRussa 04/18/06
Gilbert Arenas Halftime POker 04/19/06
Royals out 2-11 04/19/06
Show open 04/19/06
Tiger Woods wins 500K at blackjack 04/19/06
Bonds fined 5K for wristbands 04/20/06
The 3 worst consecutive calls ever - Bill in Knoxville (it's ok for strippers to get raped), Tobin in Chapel Hill, Matt in Denver 04/20/06
AI and C-webb apologzie 04/20/06
If I had to rape a girl reset 04/20/06
Lance Armstrong running NYC marathon 04/20/06
Knicks Lose 59 gamse 04/20/06
WNBA gambling 04/20/06
Cablinasian email 04/20/06
Julio Franco and Larry Brown emails 04/21/06
Mike Piazza HOF Mets 04/21/06
Randy Johnson is ugly 04/21/06
The Real Matt in Denver 04/21/06
Cute airline couple reset 04/21/06
Derek Bell arrested on crack charges 04/21/06
Julio Franco hits homer at 47 04/21/06
2006 Smackoff promo 04/21/06
Tommy Zbikowski 04/24/06
Emails with Kevin Elster reset 04/24/06
Tiger Woods daredevil 04/24/06
Tommy in Detroit with seal sound OORF 04/24/06
Darren part 2 04/24/06
Mike Forbess reset 04/24/06
Richie Sexson given steal sign 04/24/06
Nick in Austin mess up 04/25/06
Stucknut sex email 04/25/06
George Karl says a win is better then sex 04/25/06
Russ Ortiz demoted to pen 04/25/06
Zambrano breaks bat over knee 04/26/06
Charles Robinson (Reggie Bush story) 04/26/06
Charlie Casserly 04/26/06
Stucknut emails 04/26/06
Delvin Young throws bat at ump 04/27/06
Sean the Cablinasian promo 04/27/06
USC Football problems 04/27/06
James Posey flattens Kirk Hinrich 04/28/06
Rome thinks LA beats Phoenix 05/01/06
Vince Young 05/01/06
Chris Couch 1st PGA tour win 05/01/06
Reggie Evans gropes Chris Kaman 05/01/06
John Daly gambling losses 05/02/06
Shaq and Kobe have babies 05/02/06
Reggie Evans 10K grabbing 05/02/06
Derek Jeter voted most overrated by peers 05/03/06
Jason Kendall will fight 05/03/06
John in C Town Begs into the Smackoff 05/03/06
Race for worst in MLB 05/03/06
Alex in Tampa email 05/04/06
Charles Barkley gambling problems 05/04/06
Greg in Vegas Smackoff call 05/04/06
Smackoff top 10 05/04/06
2006 Smackoff Hour 1 - Jeff from Richmond, Rachel in Houston, Oren in Denver, Greg in Vegas 05/05/06
2006 Smackoff Hour 2 - Terence, Jeff in Phx, Casey in Vegas, Joe in the OC, Cablinasian, Steve Carbone, Justin in Boise 05/05/06
2006 Smackoff Hour 3 - Iafrate, Silk, Bill in Knoxville, John in C-Town, Oliver in St. Louis 05/05/06
Jim in Fall River - Smackoff XII 05/05/06
Rick Sutcliffe and Ramonce Taylor 05/15/06
Bonds-USA v Canada 05/15/06
Bill in Syracuse reset 05/15/06
Rick Sutcliffe part 2 05/15/06
Rick Sutcliffe part 3 and Rome on AFHV 05/15/06
Ron in Cleveland goes Bill in Syracuse 05/15/06
Silk says Kerwin will call 05/15/06
Jose Canseco in an adult league 05/16/06
Rome in Philly 05/17/06
Limo Driver story 05/17/06
Bernard Hopkins 05/17/06
Oren in Denver 05/18/06
Wife rips Husbands bag off 05/18/06
Emails after Philly station visit 05/18/06
Bad College Baseball deek 05/19/06
Danny Almonte married 05/19/06
Wife rips off husbands bag update 05/19/06
Cablinasian responds to caller 05/19/06
Terrible Canadian Caller 05/19/06
Alpo email-Julian in DC 05/22/06
A-rod hits meaningless jack 05/23/06
Northwestern soccer hazing 05/23/06
Royals are horrible 05/23/06
War Mike Piazza impersonation 05/23/06
Steve in HTown - Loosers at Stucknut 05/23/06
Gimme Back My Son take 05/24/06
Paul Byrd wonders why people hate Barry 05/25/06
Royals lose 12 in a row 05/25/06
Royals lose 13 in a row 05/26/06
Stoled emails 05/26/06
Roommate beaten to death (Best of) 05/29/06
NFL shuts down Ron Mexico jersey 05/29/06
Travis Rodgers roommate story (best of) 05/29/06
Webster speeding ticket (best of) 05/29/06
Dead Air for Barry Bonds homer 05/30/06
Edmonton fans riot 05/30/06
Jim Leyritz took greenies 06/06/06
Mike Vanderjagt comparisons 06/06/06
Bumperr 06/06/06
Canada vs USA 06/06/06
Eric Cole respond to Mike in Edmonton 06/06/06
Fat emails lead to Omaha stories 06/06/06
Orel Hershiser 06/06/06
Jason Grimsley house raided by feds 06/07/06
JRIB food spread 06/07/06
Joe in Bugaha email cracking Canada 06/08/06
Pants off dance off 06/08/06
40K hookers in Germany for WOrld Cup 06/09/06
corvette guy 06/09/06
Eric Wynalda reset 06/09/06
Big Ben motorcycle accident 06/12/06
Corvette guy update 06/12/06
OJ Sex tape 06/12/06
Show Open-Big Ben on the Show 06/12/06
US loses 3-0 in World Cup 06/12/06
War Big Sports 590 06/12/06
Larry Merchant 06/12/06
JJ Redick DWI 06/13/06
Rome says Phil does not choke 06/13/06
Show Open-Big Ben 06/13/06
Bernard Hopkins 06/13/06
Jury Duty update 06/14/06
US down 2-0 06/14/06
Joe in Bugaha with a Toby in Houston reset, wars Stucknut.com buying out livewithmom.com 06/15/06
Moron caller reset 06/16/06
Johnny Miller (Joe in Bugaha) 06/16/06
Phil Mickelson meltdown 06/19/06
Johnny Miller 06/19/06
Ray Ferraro 06/19/06
Steve Elkington 06/19/06
Mickey Mantle cocksucker ball 06/20/06
Stanley Cup-Mickelson caddie 06/20/06
Where is the Stanley Cup 06/20/06
Eric Cole - Hurricanes 06/20/06
Kevyn Adams - Hurricanes 06/20/06
Mark Mulder bombed 06/21/06
NBA Finals 06/21/06
Heat win NBA title 06/21/06
Trick bowling 06/21/06
whyyyyyyyyyyy 06/21/06
PHD Emails 06/21/06
Benny in Iowa City border patrol smack 06/22/06
Curt in Sacramento with hunger smack 06/22/06
US Soccer out after loss to Ghana 06/22/06
Ozzie Guillen soundbyte 06/23/06
Terence in Sierra Madre 06/23/06
Saxon in Nashville email 06/27/06
Teddy Dupay telemarketer with email 06/27/06
The Birth of the Adult Alarm 06/28/06
Soundbyte Montage take 06/29/06
Soundbyte Montage 06/29/06
Sklar Bros. Email Contest (Mike in San Diego Wins) 07/06/06
Driving range guy 07/10/06
Show open-World Cup 07/10/06
Trot Nixon 0-9 07/10/06
World Cup emails 07/10/06
Home Run Derby 07/10/06
Kobiyashi Email 07/10/06
Mark Redman email 07/10/06
Announcement Reaction 1 07/11/06
Announcement reaction 2 07/11/06
Announcement reaction 3 07/11/06
Announcement reaction 4 07/11/06
Announcement reaction 07/11/06
Rome announces new contract 07/11/06
Announcement reaction 7 07/11/06
Extended soundbye mix 07/11/06
Oren in Denver 07/11/06
MLB All Star game reaction 07/12/06
Alvin mix with Tonya 07/12/06
Bernard Hopkins 07/12/06
Bob Costas 07/12/06
Isla Vista Flashbacks 07/12/06
Scott Sauerbeck to speak to kids 07/12/06
WNBA email 07/12/06
Zidanes Mom 07/12/06
Ben Roethlisberger 07/13/06
Joe Mauer has football offer 07/14/06
Joe Mauer 07/14/06
Sidney Ponson to the Yankees 07/14/06
Florence initiation email 07/16/06
Alvins new mix 07/28/06
Jeff in San Antonio (@acuralegend) wins Huge Call 08/01/06
Skip Bayless on Maurice Clarett 08/09/06
Barfield family brawl 08/21/06
First emails back 08/21/06
Greg in Vegas 08/21/06
Mo Clarett update 08/21/06
Ray Buchanan rap from 1999 08/21/06
Show open-Tiger wins again-Yanks Sox 08/21/06
Aaron Rowand 08/22/06
Jay in Providence 08/23/06
Barfield family brawl update 08/23/06
Jerry Rice retires with SF 08/23/06
Man Ram does not go 08/23/06
Apple recalls computers 08/24/06
Deion hates Tiger being called an athlete 08/24/06
Frank Solich denied new trial 08/24/06
Julio Franco turns 48 08/24/06
Kevin Barlow retracts Hitler comment 08/24/06
Monty blames American Food for Being Fat 08/24/06
Royals score 10 in first and lose 08/24/06
Ty Law 08/24/06
Emails-alcohol 08/25/06
Monty blames American food for being fat 08/25/06
Milwaukee named US drunkest city 08/25/06
Pacman Jones arrested 08/25/06
Show Open-Tigers-Brad Penny-Soriano 50-40 08/25/06
John Feinstein 08/25/06
Nick Lachey takes up for Huggins 08/26/06
Dwight Smith Viking Sex 08/28/06
Team USA vs Australian Rugby 08/28/06
Jimromesvacationplanner 08/28/06
Chris Scelfo Tulane head coach 08/28/06
Carl Pavano hides injury 08/29/06
Diarrhea is the great equalizer 08/29/06
Jacko Alarm reset 08/29/06
Reggie Jackson on A-rod 08/29/06
Terrell Owens oversleeps 08/29/06
Andruw Jones faceplants 08/30/06
Vic in NoCal - 1st official call - Gets run for comparing J-Stew to Rocky Dennis 08/30/06
Jay Stew blind date reset 08/30/06
Mark Mangino beef and chicken email 08/30/06
Joe in the OC 08/30/06
Maury Povich misses the US Senior Amateur 08/30/06
Show open-Delmon Young-Carl Pavano 08/30/06
Jeff in Phoenix 08/31/06
Ralph Sampsons childrens email 08/31/06
Chris Simms and Kyle Shanahan get tattoo's of each others initials 08/31/06
Ohio State cereal 08/31/06
Vic in NoCal's 2nd call, wins a Slingbox 08/31/06
Joe in Bugaha 1st Call 09/01/06
Alex Rios throws 2 run homer 09/01/06
New coke email 09/01/06
War the laugh 09/01/06
Rafael Septein email 09/01/06
Show Open-USA basketball loses 09/01/06
Reid cracks Tobin and Rachael 09/05/06
Steve Irwin email 09/05/06
Crocodile Hunter dead 09/05/06
Show Open-FSU miami colorado loses 09/05/06
Steve Foley shot 09/05/06
Texas CB suspended 09/05/06
Joe Cullen driving drunk nude 09/07/06
Ohio State poll gaffe 09/07/06
Emails-Brenda Warner and charlie batchs mom 09/08/06
Brenda Warner emails 09/08/06
John L Smith reset 09/08/06
Naked coach update 09/08/06
Ohio State 27 Michigan 27 09/08/06
Archie Manning 09/11/06
Bo Jackson airline reset 09/11/06
Steve Orr NYFD 09/11/06
Todd Zeile and reaction 09/11/06
911 anniversary-Ohio State michigan-manning bowl 09/11/06
Vic in NoCal 09/12/06
Boston bans racist chants 09/13/06
Northern Colorado punter situation 09/13/06
Nebraska DB calls his shot 09/13/06
Pot smoking mother 09/13/06
Reset-Teacher admits she smokes weed 09/13/06
Royals dugout fight 09/13/06
Nebraska thoughts 09/14/06
Show Open-Nebraska-Notre Dame-Spurrier 09/14/06
Travis Rodgers on John in Ctown and Shigetosi Hasagawa 09/14/06
Terence in Sierra Madre 09/15/06
Nebraska emails 09/15/06
The Rock-Interview 09/15/06
Northern Colorado punter update 09/15/06
Show open-Nebraska USC 09/15/06
Vic in NoCal 09/15/06
Ben Mezrich interview about Busting Vegas: A True Story of Monumental Excess, Sex, Love, Violence, and Beating the Odds 09/18/06
Emails-Nebraska 09/18/06
Emails-Nebraska and others 09/18/06
Nebraska broken banjo email 09/18/06
Nebraska-oregon trail email 09/18/06
Alvins new mix 09/18/06
Nebraska got smacked 09/18/06
Porn spam 09/18/06
Raiders 0-16 09/18/06
Show Open-College Football recap 09/18/06
Terry Bowden 09/19/06
Willie Nelson busted for weed and shrooms 09/19/06
A-Rod Day 2 Hour 1 09/21/06
John in Rochester on A-rod-leads to sales take 09/21/06
Mike Belotti-oregon coach 09/21/06
Starbucks take 09/21/06
Sergio calls out TIger 09/21/06
Clone autographs 09/22/06
Marshall Faulk thinks he is smart 09/22/06
Vic in NoCal 09/22/06
Brett Favre needs to sit 09/22/06
Show open-Big Ben-Chris Simms-Notre Dame-Ryder Cup 09/25/06
Green Bay v Detroit-why 09/25/06
Auto racing brawl 09/26/06
David Wells has gout 09/26/06
Jackie Chan does porn 09/26/06
Hobo in the windshield reset 09/26/06
Terrell Owens-Hour 1 09/27/06
Terrell Owens-Hour 2 09/27/06
Terrell Owens-Hour 3 09/27/06
Greece emails 09/28/06
Alvin Montage 09/28/06
Delwyn Young blows up JD Closser 09/28/06
Jay Stew Liquors reset 09/28/06
Manny wants out of Boston 09/29/06
Ryder Cup recap 09/29/06
Maveric and Goose-Tad in Kalamazoo 09/29/06
Tonya Harding and LT reset 09/29/06
Albert Haynesworth emails 10/02/06
Iowa blown out by OSU 10/02/06
John L Smith needs to be fired 10/02/06
Show open-Albert Haynesworth-Michigan State-Jason Grimsley report 10/02/06
A-rod batting six 10/03/06
Tigers tank lose central 10/03/06
Eric Cole 10/04/06
Lizard back to SF-Kenny Rogers not going in game 1 10/04/06
Woman hit by concrete at Marlin game 10/04/06
Show Open-Yankees and Padres 10/04/06
Buck Oneil in poor health 10/05/06
A-rod strikes out with bases loaded 10/05/06
Torii Hunter mishap 10/05/06
Vic in NoCal 10/06/06
Bill Parcells says Philly is not Vietnam 10/06/06
Pacer strip club shooting 10/06/06
NFL wont air Two for the Money ads 10/07/06
Bill Parcells says Philly is not Vietnam 10/09/06
Cory Lidle dies in plane crash 10/12/06
Michelle Wie whiffs and gets an 8 10/13/06
Miracle cat story 10/13/06
Temple loses 63-9 10/13/06
Wisconsin band geeks gone wild 10/13/06
Segment 2-emails-war wallet chains 10/16/06
David Duval 10/16/06
Eric Byrnes 10/16/06
Iowa loses to Indiana and emails 10/16/06
Show Open-Miami brawl-Detroit Tigers-Mets-Iowa loses to indiana 10/16/06
Dennis Green emails 10/17/06
FIU-Miami fallout-announcer fired 10/17/06
Show open-Arizona Cardinal meltdown 10/17/06
Lou Pinella says cubs will win 10/18/06
Wesley Snipes take 10/18/06
Wesley Snipes emails 10/18/06
Scott Bakula call in 10/19/06
Nick Saban clown suit 10/19/06
Eric Musselman DUI 10/23/06
Florida State sucks 10/23/06
Show open-Kenny Rogers tickets 10/23/06
Miami is a new affiliate 10/23/06
Zumaya (Sexy Back) 10/25/06
USA-Canada border skirmish 10/25/06
Jay Williams cut by nets 10/25/06
Terence in Sierra Madre 10/27/06
Vic in NoCal 10/27/06
Old School-Bobby in Brooklyn 10/27/06
Old School-Cablinasian 10/27/06
Old School-Don in No Cal 10/27/06
Old School-Jim in Fall River 10/27/06
Old School-Kerwin 10/27/06
Old school-reaction final segment 10/27/06
Old School-reaction 10/27/06
Segment 5-Bobby in Brooklyn replay 10/27/06
Nebraska loses to Oklahoma State 10/30/06
Hour 1-ColtsBroncos-USC loses-Steelers suck 10/30/06
Jason Stewart coldplay ringtone 10/30/06
Pumpkin patch 10/30/06
USC loses to Oregon St 10/30/06
Alvins new mix 10/31/06
Halloween take 10/31/06
Soccer Porn 10/31/06
Jay Stew acting retrospective 2 11/01/06
Jay Stew acting retrospective 11/01/06
John L Smith coaches are screwing it up 11/01/06
Jeff in Cbus reset 11/01/06
Kim Jong Il loves the NBA 11/01/06
Show open-Miami Heat blown out-OSU Mich-John L Smith 11/01/06
David Stern 11/06/06
Iowa loses to Northwestern 11/06/06
Iowa loses to NW 11/06/06
Joe Pa carted off field 11/06/06
Emails with Alex in Louisville reset 11/07/06
Lonnie Smith wanted to kill John Schurolz 11/07/06
Cal Ripken sucks reset 11/08/06
Show open-Miami murder-Chiefs QB-Dick Cheney hunting trip 11/08/06
DIck Cheney hunting trip 11/08/06
John Daly divorce #4 11/08/06
Miami player murdered 11/08/06
Jason Peter-in studio-seg 1 11/09/06
Jason Peter-in studio-seg 2 11/09/06
Jason Peter-in studio-seg 3 11/09/06
Jason Peter-in studio-seg 4 11/09/06
Jason Peter-in studio-seg 5 11/09/06
Louisville goes down emails 11/10/06
Mo Clarret lives here 11/10/06
Undefeated Lives Here & Reaction 11/10/06
Greg in Vegas 11/13/06
Nebraska email cracking USC fan 11/13/06
Kirk Herbstreit 11/13/06
Michigan-Ohio State 11/13/06
Michigan-Ohio State 11/14/06
Dick Vitale 11/15/06
Homeless people wait for ps3 11/15/06
OJ Simpson new book 11/15/06
WBC returning in 2009 11/15/06
Michigan-Ohio State 11/16/06
Carolina cheerleaders fired for sexing up 11/17/06
North Texas naming rights 11/17/06
Tiger Woods hits group in front of him 11/17/06
Gene in Minneapolis - ARod Email 11/21/06
Marty in NoCal and reaction 11/21/06
Marty in NoCal 11/21/06
Vic in NoCal 11/21/06
Notre Dame email funny 11/27/06
Michael Vick lobs the bird 11/27/06
Larry Coker out at Miami 11/27/06
Chad in Portland e-mail: "Middle fingers and herpes live here" 11/27/06
PDA update 11/27/06
Cosmic Golf Shot 11/28/06
Salutation rules 11/28/06
Michael Oher part 2 11/29/06
Michael Oher part 1 11/29/06
Vic in NoCal 11/29/06
Alvins updated mix 11/29/06
NCAA bowl games before xmas 11/29/06
Bed & Breakfast emails 11/29/06
Allen Iverson skips team bowling alley event 11/30/06
Pujols mad not getting MVP 11/30/06
Ohio St tickets upset at ticket allocation 12/01/06
Schilling-Manny 12/01/06
Seg 5-UCSB and Karl Dorrell interview 12/04/06
Seg 11-Lee Corso 12/04/06
Seg 10-Rex Grossman 12/04/06
Seg 2-rodeo and Soccer emails 12/04/06
Seg 3-BCS and calls 12/04/06
Seg 6-Romes rodeo trip 12/04/06
Seg 4-UCSB wins soccer title 12/04/06
Seg 7-Rodeo emails 12/04/06
Seg 9-BCS mess 12/04/06
Show open-BCS-UCSB wins title 12/04/06
Callahan emails 12/05/06
Soccer title is like getting knocked up 12/05/06
Show open-BCS-Bill Callahan 12/05/06
Jay Mohr call in 12/06/06
Dan Shaughnessey 12/06/06
Dallas Green cracks Pat Burrell 12/06/06
JD Drew with Red Sox-ManRam sweepstakes 12/06/06
Bart Starr being extored by 81 year old woman 12/07/06
Pro Bowl in London 12/07/06
Cubs spending spree 12/07/06
Steve in Salt Lake City hates Rich Rodriguez 12/08/06
Jay Stew movie career 12/08/06
Nicole Ritchie DUI 12/11/06
Rich Rodriguez DUI 12/11/06
Royals vs Bluejays for Gil Meche 12/11/06
Rome meets one of the Olsen twins 12/11/06
Keith Jackson interview 12/12/06
George Lucas grand marshall Rose Bowl parade 12/12/06
The new nba ball is out 12/12/06
Extra teeth email 12/13/06
Paris Hilton says Britney is a good mom 12/13/06
Razor Rudduck wants to sell u a trash can 12/13/06
Stan Brooks email 12/14/06
Vic in NoCal 12/14/06
Joel Zumaya hurt playing guitar hero 12/14/06
Charles Barkley hour 12/14/06
Indian Gender Bender fails Gender test 12/18/06
AI traded to the Nuggets 12/20/06
Kid goes thru xray at airport 12/20/06
Troy Smith has stripper cred 12/20/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 01 - January 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 02 - January 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 03 - January 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 04 - January 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 05 - February 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 06 - February 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 08 - March 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 09 - March 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 10 - April 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 11 - April May 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 12 - May 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 1 - Segment 07 - March 12/21/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 08 - September 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 06 - August 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 09 - Sept 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 10 - October 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 11 - November 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 12 - Wrap up 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 05 - August 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 07 - August 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 01 - May 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 02 - June 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 03 - June 12/22/06
2006 Year in Review - Day 2 - Segment 04 - July 12/22/06
Sklars rip Francis 12/29/06

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